

Today I will nurture my wounds with love's light

A strong man masters others. A truly wise man masters himself!

There are such countless individuals with scars, its inconceivable that we endure. Scars from beloved recollections. Scars from dreams conceded. Scars from words, occurrences and our decisions of them. We cover the scars with character, propensities, and sometimes, medication, sex and liquor. We bring our injured spirits into the world and imagine that we are not hurt. However, every time we are faced with an occasion like the one that caused the scars, the wounds are reopened. There can be no mending in our outer world until we give concentrated consideration and recuperating to our inner wounds. We are incorrect when figuring we don't have the foggiest idea what to do. We should initially concede that the wounds exist. We should analyze them, reach them and open them to ourselves. At that point we should enclose them by the most intense disinfectant there is – LOVE!